Tips for Parents During Distance Learning

Tips for Parents During Distance Learning

The quality of education is no more dependent on the school you choose for your kids, you need to play an increasingly proactive role in your child’s education. This does not mean that you shouldn’t search for the best elementary schools in Ajman but at the same time make sure that you have done your homework. This includes providing the perfect environment for your kid to study at home. The following are some tips that will enhance your child’s online learning experience:

Eliminate Distractions

It is true that your child will require a device to access their classes and other schoolwork. However, other than that particular device, make sure that there are no other devices that can distract your child. Even on the device that they are using, you can make use of app locks or website blockers so that they can remain focused on their schoolwork and not get distracted by other websites or apps.

Particular Area for Learning

If you are working from home, you might have a dedicated space where you sit and work. Similarly, it is important to create a study space for your child. Sitting in this zone means that they will need to concentrate solely on their schoolwork. Make sure that this space is quiet and comfortable and as already mentioned free from distractions.

Schedule Breaks

If they were learning at school, they would get a recess and smaller breaks between classes. The school timetables are planned like this on purpose. Nobody can remain focused for hours together. This has also led many academics to make use of the Pomodoro method. So, make sure that your kid gets a break every 45 to 50 minutes. They can eat a snack or just leave the desk to stretch a little. Make sure that they don’t end up using any other device during this break as watching videos can divert their mind and they won’t be able to absorb any of the material they learned in the previous session.

Online Group Study Sessions

One of the best things about studying at school is getting to meet friends. They get to interact with them and play around during the break. It is understandable that it won’t be possible to meet their friends in person, but you can always schedule online video chats by talking to their friend’s parents. They can use this time to either study together or to just interact if they’ve finished all their work.


Don’t let your kid treat this time at home as a break but at the same time, don’t be too strict. Finding the right balance will help you and will encourage your kid to do better in their classes. Apart from these tips, it is important to remember that the quality of the online lectures will have a huge impact on your child’s interest in studying. So make sure that you enroll them in an institute that provides world-class education such as Ajman private schools.

Tips for Parents During Distance Learning

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